5 Cell Phone Safety Tips for Parents


Hi, I am Investigator Chandra Cleveland, I have over 33 plus years in law enforcement.  During my time in law enforcement, I was a very decorated deputy, I was the first female Deputy of the Year, I was the first Female Deputy of the State and the first female and the youngest to be an Internal Affairs Inspector.  During my career, I focused on juvenile crimes, violence against women, Gang Violence, and homicides.

I am the proud owner of Columbia Private Investigations and Security Consultants where I specialize in crimes against women, girls, children, and the elderly.  I also have a 501c 3 organization ITS (I Think Safety) On Me 2, and we teach women, girls, children how to protect themselves.

It is with great honor to write this article about cell phone safety tips for parents.

Cell Phone Safety Tips for Parents

Parents often buy their children cell phones for many reasons but educating them about the cell phone many do not.  Cell phones do offer convenience and a sense of security for parents. Cell phones also offer a new world of behavior their parents are not ready to handle.

A child’s responsibility and maturity level also need to be considered when parents are thinking of buying their child a cell phone.

The pros and cons of cell phone usage need to both be weighed before parents decide to supply a cell phone to their child.  Before a parent buys their child a cell phone, there are many issues to consider.

the cons of cell phones for children

Cons:  Some kids have also gotten in trouble with their cell phones at school.

  • To spread rumors
  • Inappropriate photos and videos
  • Sexual Predators
  • Detract them from schoolwork.
  • Overuse of Social Media
  • Mental Development Problems

The biggest problem is Cyberbullying happens both on the internet and using cell phones.  It involves children or adults sending threatening, rude, or mean texts to another child’s cell phone.

In some extreme cases, girls/boys have committed suicide in these situations.  In other cases, prosecutors have begun charging teens who send and receive such images with child pornography and other serious felonies.

the pros of cell phones for children

  • Can call in case of emergency.
  • Can Call when ready to be picked up
  • Parents can consider creating settings to control or prohibit access to the Internet.
  • Parents can track the child’s cell phone with GPS (global positioning system) option that may be offered by a service provider. This could help locate children if they are missing.
  • Parents can monitor who their child is talking to.

There are many things parents can teach their children to keep them safe while using cell phones.

Be sure to check out last week’s blog post by Ashley Elrod, OTA:

Toys Representing Disabilities and Where to Purchase Them


5 children cell phone safety tips

  1. First teach them how to lock the phone, put the phone on silent, and how to turn the phone off.
  2. Parents can set time limits as to when the child can use the phone, like not during homework time or bedtime.
  3. Parent can put the phone of people they can call on the phone, and if the name doesn’t pop up on the phone don’t answer it.
  4. Parents should teach their children to tell them if anyone sends them a threatening or frightening message. If children are being stalked, harassed, or threatened in any way, the incident should be reported to the service provider and local law enforcement.
  5. Taking or sharing an embarrassing picture of someone is a form of harassment and cyberbullying.  Once an image has been sent, it can never be retrieved.

Cell phones are a HUGE responsibility for anyone, so do not just give it to your child without setting boundaries because it can have REALLY bad consequences.

Make sure you follow me on my website at www.itsonme2.com for other stay tips for children and families.

5 Cell Phone Safety Tips for Parents
5 Cell Phone Safety Tips for Parents

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