Wyatt’s Family

Wyatt RobertsWyatt is 6 years old. My husband (Eric) and I (Jennifer) could not have kids of our own. However, my husband has kids from previous relationships. To start with that was fine I myself loved them as my own and helped to raise them as such. But something was going to be missing. Our kids would get older, and I often worried what would come next. this could not be it for my husband and me. I was in a mental rut and just prayed for God’s will to be done. My cousin had her first child. A baby boy and named him Wyatt. From the moment we met him tears filled our eyes because we knew he was an angel sent. She quickly made us his “godparents” and we loved him as our own. As Wyatt grew older, he spent more and more time with us having two younger brothers soon after. Wyatt had always been the light of the room his smile is the most contagious smile I have ever encountered. He is full of energy and laughter and silliness and can make anyone’s bad days brighter. From the moment he could sit up we had him in water. He was drawn to it and loved it more than anything. He soon learned to swim. He started walking at 8 months. He has always been a fast going, outdoor loving smart little boy. But we did have some concerns. He still wasn’t speaking and had a hard time following commands. He had a hard time with crowded places. He would often have tantrums. At 3 years old Wyatt was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and global developmental delay. But none of that stopped him. After a while of him staying with us his mother had told me he done so much better with us and that his over stimulation was at a minimum at our house vs with her and his two younger brothers. She knew how much he meant to us and offered for him to live with us and for us to adopt him. Some may question “why?” But that was our answered prayer. God gave us the sweetest and greatest blessing of all a beautiful blue-eyed blonde-haired baby boy! That we could love no more than we already did. Soon after the paperwork was finalized, I immediately started him in therapy and the PAL’s program in our community. It gave him a chance to work through some of his differences that I may not understand and also helped me to learn how to understand and approach them. He then started kindergarten and has had the best paraprofessional. She was a godsend to us. So many times, we had to repeat to people what Wyatt could do. What he meant by certain actions. Most people and children were scared of him because they didn’t understand him. They didn’t understand his hyperness and excitement to everything. And they didn’t understand how to listen to him without ears. This sweet lady we now call family has introduced him to everyone she knows. She understood him; she listened not only with her ears, and he has progressed so much in school! We were truly blessed to have her and her amazing help with Wyatt. During the almost 6 years that we were blessed with Wyatt I have had to encounter many different situations. Some were good and some were scary. But I wouldn’t trade them at all. I wish everyone could see life through the eyes of Wyatt. He knows no fear. He believes all people are good. He sees the brightest things in the darkest places. He laughs and runs and plays 24/7. He is full of laughter and excitement and joy! Everything is a game to him, and he can make anyone laugh. Being with Wyatt has taught me so much! To live life again and to always see good even when I don’t think I can. Wyatt saved my life, my husband’s life and so many others just by God bringing him into this world. I want him to be able to enjoy all the things he deserves! The things he loves to do without fear. He loves water. He loves to run. He has so much energy and I want him to be able to enjoy these things safely. Wyatt is hands on 24/7 as to him being a runner and being very fast!   We just have to be very cautious of the places he is and the places we go. We have to meet all safety measures for him. I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this and pray that even if you never meet Wyatt, you look at all these children with open eyes and just let them melt your heart because they are the greatest blessings. I honestly would not be the person I am today if I didn’t have him. I thank God for him every day and hope and pray everyone gets to encounter this kind of love because the love these children offer is genuine and true! And there is nothing else like it!

We feel like he would benefit most from fencing for the yard. We already have had some fencing donated to us which was an amazing blessing. But Wyatt is a runner! So, catching him is difficult if we don’t have adequate fencing in place.






Gift: Fencing for yard (to be installed in 2023)

Location: Chattooga County

Given: December 2022

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