By: Alex M, Mother of Noah
We are the Malautea family. Siaosi, Alex, Noah and Eli make up our small family. Between the four of us we come from 4 different countries and have a special passion for loving each other abundantly.
We got married in 2015 and had Noah in 2017 after experiencing a pregnancy loss. Noah has always been attached to his mom since day 1! Everywhere we went most strangers would comment on how cute he was and he loved the attention.
Noah had his first febrile seizure when he was 9 months old from a fever he had. His second seizure came a week later. He was seizure free until right before his second birthday. He had back to back seizures one evening and was rushed to CHOA for a two day stay at Scottish Rite. After several tests, scans, and check ins, we received 3 diagnosis before we left the hospital. Noah was diagnosed with ventriculomegaly, Dimorphic Hippocampus and a partial duplication on one of his chromosomes. A month later, he was evaluated at Marcus Autism Center and diagnosed with Level 3 Autism.
Not a moment to waste, we hit the ground running by getting Noah immersed in any and every therapy we could to expand his abilities and reach his full potential.
Noah is currently in ABA therapy at the Autism Center for Children in Woodstock full time. For 40 hours a week he works on skills such as communication, making requests, labeling common objects and activities and behavior control under the supervision of some of the most loving and talented therapists in the Autism community. There isn’t a moment that we don’t appreciate how far he has come in the past year.
He never ceases to amaze us with the amount of things he learns everyday. He is a silly heart, he loves to climb things, he loves and laughs at the Minions and also old classics likes Alice In Wonderland. He’s also a collector. One of his favorite things to do is hold lots of small items together in his hands. He keeps our family together. When we go out in public, he makes sure we are all together by putting his little hand out and waving “come!”
Noah has made our family look at the world differently. God sent him so we can learn how love fully and not take things for granted. We love him so much and look forward watching him become a fully functioning adult who treats others with love and respect regardless of their abilities or traits.
Gift: iPad, Breathe-zy pillow, & outstanding medical bill
Given: June 2020
Location: Kennesaw, Georgia
We have had the pleasure of being featured by SGF mompreneur, Alex, and her business Hosanna Grace Studio! For the month of April, Hosanna Grace has decided to donate a portion of the autism pieces to Specially Gifted Foundation in honor of Autism Acceptance Month.