We are the Vasquez Family, Matthew, Shana, Lila, Hazeleah, and Aimree. We are a retired military family with 14 moves under our belt and have planted roots finally in Georgia. Every family has a mantra, ours is “Embrace your Differences; you need to find strength in them.” Aimree was born October 1, 2010 in Kalamazoo MI.
Aimree’s two sisters, Lila (15) and Hazeleah (11) are amazing. They both care and look out for their younger sister. Lila is a very talented artist. Lila has a life-threatening peanut allergy that has shaped who she is today. She has endured bullying and mistreatment because of people’s ignorance and unkindness. She has weathered the storm and has come out stronger because of it. She is winning the battle over depression and anxiety every day. Her strength and willingness to fight is inspiring.
Hazeleah is a force to be reckoned with. She was born 30 and is a judge in the making. She protects and defends her sisters with such passion it is breathtaking. She is an advocate at heart. Her determination for justice and equality is remarkable. I see her in her jugudal robe banging her gavel saying, “Order in the courtroom!”
Being a family with a special needs child has its challenges. The feeling that your family is always divided is heartbreaking as a mom. I try so hard to have balance and know it’s the key but it can be overwhelming at times. I focus on trying to make sure everyone gets what they need. Aimree demands much of our time and energy. Because of medical appointments and sometimes dictating the day because of how she is feeling that day. I know her sisters are better people because of Aimree. They see people in a different way. Not focusing on what is different about someone. But finding the similarity. As a family we try to make the best of our time together which we learned from being a military family for years. Embrace the good and find the joy and make your day count.
Gift: Custom Tandem bicycle
Given: December 2020
Location: Hamilton, Georgia